Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

william_nbg ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jun 26 23:51:14 UTC 2006

I have no idea what pulled me to Linux, I think I was just sick to death
of working on XP year after year after year. Come on people, 6 years is
a bit outdated for an OS.

About 3 years ago, just messing around, I installed, dual boot, a few
Linux Distros. Debian (not a good first-distro), Fedora, Mandrake, I
even found one called Evil Entity ...

One day I'd heard about Ubuntu, and I thought "that's a strange name?"

I installed a beta of Hoary, and about 3 mounths later wiped Windows
off my box for good.

That's about a year and a half I've run Ubuntu pure.

My wife, about 6 months now, is also an Ubuntu fan as well as several
friends I've converted.


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