Making KDE apps look like GNOME

Henk Postma henkpm at
Mon Jun 26 19:21:34 UTC 2006

Hi Nikhil,

On 6/24/06, Nikhil Fernandes <njfernandes at> wrote:
> I use GNOME as my desktop just because I prefer it, but there are a
> couple of KDE/QT apps that I use regularly. Does anyone know of any way
> that I can make them integrate smoothly with GNOME? Basically, is there
> a way I can make them use the same widget theme and icon theme? I'm not
> particularly picky about which theme.
> Also, how would I change the default theme for KDE apps? Will I need to
> install the entire KDE desktop?

Yes you can. You will need qt3-qtconfig, see the ubuntu wiki at

hth, Henk


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