Ubuntu 6.06 CDs

pellgarlic ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jun 26 16:10:44 UTC 2006

Asif Lodhi Wrote: 
> Shall I get all that stuff on the CDs that I requested?

you can check what is included in a "standard" dapper installation
here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/allpackages.en.txt.gz

and what programs are available in the repositories here:
http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/ (these don't come by default - you
have to download them using "synaptic" if you want them) 

Asif Lodhi Wrote: 
> Shall I be able to carry out server

> installations with the received CDs?

it depends - if you did order "CDs", meaning different CDs, you might -
there is a "desktop" CD, for "live" ubuntu and desktop installations, a
"server" CD for server installations, and an "alternate" CD, which is a
more flexible, text-based alternative to the "desktop" CD. you need the
"server" CD for server installations. although i think you might be
able to do it with the "alternate" CD as well, but i'm not sure.


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