BEA WebLogic under Ubuntu

Jon Dixon dixon.jon at
Mon Jun 26 11:30:35 UTC 2006

vinodis wrote:
> not to deter your intent; did you try jboss?

It's also on my list to look at.

> its really easy to install on Linux and very lightweight.

And now a division of Dead Rat :)

> You could run the entire J2EE stack technologies with Jboss.
> You can connect to this Jboss instance from NetBeans IDE (Available for
> Linux and easy to install).
> Another option, is to have NetBeans with the Sun Application Server
> (both are free and available for linux ).
> Apache Beehive ( a BEA contrib) can be easiy used under Linux.

Thanks for all the feedback.

I am looking at the applications to broaden my knowledge with regards to
my work, and so I'll likely try and get a working feel for both (or more).


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