How to get KWorld TV Tuner working under Linux

Santanu Chatterjee thisissantanu at
Mon Jun 26 08:40:54 UTC 2006

Hi Everybody,

I installed a KWorld TV878 TV Tuner card
recently, and after some googling, I was able to get the card detected
using the following :
modprobe bttv card=78 tuner=5 radio=1

Now the problem is that tvtime only shows me the last channel I viewed
under WindowsXP. Other than that no other frequency is detected.

Has someone gotten this card to work under Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, or
any other distro)?

Somewhere I read (while googling) that to get the card working in
one has to copy some firmware file from the windows installation of the supplied
driver and make that available to bttv as a modprobe option. Apparently, the
hardware of the card itself is not sufficient, it probably needs some
prior to using it. Unfortunately, I cannot find the URL for the web
page anymore.

If would appreciate any help from you that might help me use this
under Ubuntu/Debian (or any Linux). I had to install WindowsXP just to
be able to use the card to watch World Cup. If I get this working under
I can get back some valuable disk space.

(By the way, the FM radio part is also not working under Linux, but
I am not bothered about that.)

Santanu Chatterjee

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