How to remove Kubuntu?

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Sun Jun 25 13:04:14 UTC 2006

On 6/25/06, Joao Inacio <jcinacio at> wrote:
> On 6/25/06, Christofer C. Bell <christofer.c.bell at> wrote:
> > The first thing you want to do is ignore any of the advice you've
> > gotten in this thread.  Then you want to go to this webpage:
> >
> >
> >
> Why ignore all advice? :(
> Thats exactly the same as importing the attached file in my previous
> message into synaptic and click apply

Aw, João, you're the only one to give some "won't possibly wreck your
system" (or at least not accomplish the goal) advice then. ;-)  Yes,
if that's the case, then what you suggested is correct.  And I would
recommend --purge as well.


"I trust the Democrats to take away my money, which I can afford.  I
trust the Republicans to take away my freedom, which I cannot."

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