The boot process

Anurag anurag at
Sun Jun 25 09:10:21 UTC 2006

On 6/25/06, Tim Penhey <tim at> wrote:
> Can someone explain the actual boot process?
> In order to get cifs working properly I need to do:
>         $ echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled
> prior to mounting any filesystem using cifs.
> I want this to happen automatically at boot time, but I'm not sure where
> to
> put it.  Is there some script that has a boot time hook?  Or do I need to
> write a script and put it in /etc/init.d ?

Hi Tim,

As a quick fix solution, you can write a one liner script and put it inside
the directory ``/etc/rcS.d''  Contents of this directory are executed
regardless of the runlevel your your system. Do make sure that script's
filename starts with ``SXXfilename'' and is executable -- where S means
start this script and XX is an integer between 0-99 which indicated the
order in which all the scripts in /etc/rcS.d will be executed.

You might also want to read man pages for ``update-rc.d'' command.

Anurag <>
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