mc in XUbuntu 6.06 terminal

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at
Sat Jun 24 15:16:49 UTC 2006

Florian Diesch wrote:
> Roby <electricalsciences at> wrote:
>> When run in a XUbuntu 6.06 terminal window, mc has no F10 key legend,
>> although it's there when I start mc from a text-mode console.
>> I am accustomed to exit from mc's built-in editor with F10 - saves
>> my edit and returns to the mc file manager.  That still works from 
>> text-mode.  From the gui terminal, F10 just opens an exit menu.
>> My edit is lost unless I first save it with F2 ... and I am returned
>> to the desktop without going to the file manager.
>> How can I give F10 functionality back to mc?
> Use <Esc> 0 instead of F10 (works with other Fx-Key too)
Good tip :-)



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