live cd and ipod

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at
Fri Jun 23 20:05:38 UTC 2006

Hal Rider wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed ipod linux on my pod. all went well
> now I want to add the mame and idoom games onto it.
> no worries boot up livecd (6.06 lts) and it shows up as ipod and ipod-1
> ipod-1 is the linux parition.
> the problem is it's mounted as read only for normal users except root
> the live cd obviously isn't root because I cannot drop files into the
> linux parition.
> how can I change the permissions, or become root so I can drop the files
> in?

you can use sudo before any of the usual commands to run them as root.
sudo generally asks for the _user_ password but on the live cd there is
no password set, so it just does what you want.

sudo chmod ....


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