Top-posting [Was: Installing with apt-get]

Alexander Skwar listen at
Thu Jun 22 19:27:24 UTC 2006

Steve Tripp wrote:
> Bottom posting is by far the most inefficient way to read lists like 
> this that are active and have many additions.

Pardon, but that's absolutely wrong. As somebody already wrote,
it's very hard to write a well formulated top-post. With a post
in the way I do it right now, it's not so hard - the writer
simply quotes what he sees as relevant and the responds.

>  Bottom posters also seem 
> to be the loudest when it comes to complaining,

Rightly so, as top-posting is a "new" phaenomenon and people should
be made aware right away, that they are (usually) mis-behaving
by top-posting.

> and they also seem to 
> overlook the fact that their complaints dilute the technical issues 
> actually being discussed.

What technical issue?

Alexander Skwar
After the game the king and the pawn go in the same box.
		-- Italian proverb

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