Looking for decent ftp client

Roger Haxton rhaxton at swbell.net
Tue Jun 20 15:58:00 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 20 June 2006 10:00, David M wrote:
> Is there a decent ftp client available for Ubuntu?
> I've looked through the repositories, and while there seem to be a
> substantial number of ftp servers and command-line clients (these have
> their place, but I'd rather not wear out my fingers with all that typing),
> there seems to be rather a lack of GUI ftp clients.
> Unless I've missed spotting something, the choice seems to come down to
> gftp or KBear, both of which seem a bit lacking (gftp's bookmark manager
> is somewhat rudimentary, and KBear confuses things by lacking the
> traditional simple two-pane view ..not to mention that it seems to crash
> for me any time I attempt to transfer anything!). These projects seem to
> have potential, but they don't seem to be quite ready just yet..
> Can anybody recommend an alternative ftp client that's reliable and
> user-friendly?

Have a look at KFTPGrabber and see if that fits what you are looking for.  
It's in Universe.  
Thirteen at a table is unlucky only when the hostess has only twelve chops.
		-- Groucho Marx

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