how many people have actually replaced Windows with Ubuntu Linux

Florian Diesch diesch at
Tue Jun 20 11:52:45 UTC 2006

clivewagenaar <clivewagenaar at> wrote:

> DC Parris Wrote:
> I'd like to know how many people have actually replaced Windows with
> Ubuntu Linux.

I started with Linux in the autumn of 1995 when I installed SuSE (back
then it was S.u.S.E. and they called it a German Slackware distribution)
in addition to MSDOS 6.22 and WfW 3.11. Linux became my main OS around
1997 when I switched to Debian but I still had DOS around (first on its
own partition, later with DosEmu) for some years, mainly to access
Fidonet. When I bought my Thinkpad three years ago the pre-installed
XPpro survived about 4 hours (seemed to be a nice OS to update the
firmware) then I decided to better use its disk space for my audio
files. Finally switched to Ubuntu warty because Debian needed way to
long to release sarge.


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