Getting wifi to work

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at
Tue Jun 20 06:49:04 UTC 2006

Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Matthew Kuiken wrote:
> <snip>
>> I didn't realize you were still using network-admin.  I would 
>> recommend upgrading to network-manager.
> How do I upgrade? Can this be done without a network connection? :) I
> hope I can upgrade without having to install Ubuntu, as the installer
> crashes at the 5th step, where partitions are to be selected.

I am not certain if network-manager is on the CD.  Even when my wireless 
wasn't working, my wired connection did.  It was a slight pain, but it 
allowed me to get to the Internet.

>> As far as the interface working or not, having it work under Gentoo 
>> means there isn't a hardware problem, but there still could be 
>> software problems under Ubuntu.
> Exactly. And I'm after the software problem that Ubuntu shows. And
> that's where I'd need help from you Ubuntu guys here.
Sorry I'm not being much help.  I'll keep trying though.

 From another part of this thread, you were talking about entering your 
WEP key.  I do remember that my key would not work unless it was entered 
in one long string, without dashes, with the key line set to hex, and 
any alpha characters in upper case.

I also remember that I got it working without WEP, and with 64 bit WEP 
before I finally got 128 bit WEP to work.  You may have to enter the 
information manually into the /etc/network/interfaces file for it all to 
work out.

I'm going to guess that the section should look like this: (I think 
network-admin should be creating this section when you use it, but I'm 
not certain.)

auto ath0
iface ath0 inet dhcp
    wireless-essid <your-essid>
    wireless-key <your-key>


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