how many people have actually replaced Windows with Ubuntu Linux

clivewagenaar clivewagenaar at
Mon Jun 19 01:13:34 UTC 2006

DC Parris Wrote:
I'd like to know how many people have actually replaced Windows with 
Ubuntu Linux.


Its only been 2 weeks for me, but I have moved to Ubuntu full time.
(and wont be going back)

I am still deciding how I will use two Stock Market apps written for 
Windows, I have been testing VMware server  as a option and also tested 
Terminal server client this evening to get to them on a small XP machine 
the runs those two programs and a Linksys CIT 200 cordless Skype phone 
for my wife.

My 8 year old daughter wants to dual boot XP and Ubuntu or PclinuxOS, 
but likes some PC games still so wont swap full-time yet, although she 
does enjoy Linux from the few test runs I have done over the past 2 years.

So not sure if this is seen as 100% replacing Windows, but on my desktop 
I only have Ubuntu running full-time now.


e-mail:clivewagenaar at

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