An iPod-like player for Ubuntu

Sridhar M.A. mas at
Mon Jun 19 00:52:59 UTC 2006

On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 11:44:18PM +0200, Alexandre Franke wrote:
   > On 6/18/06, Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1 at> wrote:
   > >I've never used iPod. But considering that they have a closed format
   > >(an no iTunes for Ubuntu), which are some of the other good music
   > >players and services that people use on this forum?
   > Neuros have a fantastic music player. 80GB, can play ogg, FLOSS
   > friendly... and $250. That's the one you should get.
I have an iPod. Ubuntu recognises it and rhythmbox can handle the music
collection on it; even gtkpod does it. ut, they store the files in a
peculiar manner (names are mangled).

So, installed rockbox on it. Now, my ipod can also play ogg files and a
couple of more formats :-)

I am also using it to move around large amount of data around as it is
really a big fat usb drive.


Sridhar M.A.                                 GPG KeyID : F6A35935
  Fingerprint: D172 22C4 7CDC D9CD 62B5  55C1 2A69 D5D8 F6A3 5935

If you are what you eat, I guess that makes me a cheese danish.
        -- Anonymous
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