SSH password as a command-line parameter?

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Sun Jun 18 15:50:58 UTC 2006

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the help...

Matthew Kuiken wrote:
> to set up RSA keys between my two boxes.  There is a section in there 
> about using RSA keys for auto-login/backup operations.

I see... their suggestion comes down to having a blank password on the 
ssh key. If that's their suggestion then I guess it must be the only 
option so I'll have to go for that. Thanks for those links.

> I believe the setup will be a little more secure than the password
> system, and would work inside your script.

Compared to a plain login (without a key) a password-less login with a 
key replaces one secret by another. If your ability to keep id_rsa 
secret exceeds your ability to make strong passwords, then this system 
is more secure. Of course, I'm used to using a private key with 
password, which is more secure than either system :)

If all I can do is have a private key without a password then I'll take 
Neil's suggestion and set it to run only one the backup command.

   "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
   unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
   Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
         -- George Bernard Shaw

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