Ubuntu/Debian compiling etc

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Sat Jun 17 19:41:14 UTC 2006

Loïc Martin <lomartin3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> My experience with Debian is a bit blurred in the past (round 1996)
> but unless I mixed it in my memory with Slackware, I think I had the
> possibility to select some preselections of packages depending on the
> use (with or without X, with or without a developper environment). I
> almost always ended up (de)selecting packages individually, but if I
> knew I would have to do some compiling, a newbie like me could end up
> with a sane environment without having to learn which packages were
> necessary.

tasksel is still there in Ubuntu but not installed by default and there
aren't that many tasks defined.


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