Gnome profile

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Sat Jun 17 18:11:07 UTC 2006

Dieter Schicker wrote:
> sorry, this may be a bit off-topic, but since I'm new to Ubuntu I dare
> to ask this question. Maybe someone can give me a hint.

All Gnome and admin questions are definitely on-topic :-)

> I'm using Dapper 6.06. I have my users login over ldap and mount their
> home directories via NFS. My question is: Is there a way to provide the
> user with a "default Gnome profile" when he logs in for the first time?

Yes, you want to use a tool called "sabayon".

sudo aptitude install sabayon
sudo sabayon

When it starts, click on Add. This runs a virtual X server with Gnome 
and all. You can configure it any way you want (change menus, icons, 
whatever) and then save it. Sabayon calls this a "profile". You can then 
say which users should have this profile (click on Users). One of the 
options is "all users". That's the option you are looking for. If you 
set a profile to apply to all users, it will also apply to new users 
that haven't logged in yet.


"You don't build the hoover dam by stacking 2000 honda home
generators end to end. Some things don't scale."

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