nscd on breezy

sugonaut ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Jun 15 13:56:12 UTC 2006

linuxguiri Wrote: 
> Were you successful in getting emusicj to run?


> I extracted to /opt but nothing happens when I run it.


> Ideas?

Yes.  It runs and seems to work.  I haven't had a chance to download
songs yet; I've too many distractions lately.  I will report back here
when I'm actually using it.

I have 2 suggestions for you...

(1) Check the permissions/owner of the jar.  For a quick test, try
using sudo to execute emusicj (sudo java -jar
/opt/emusicj/emusicj.jar).  If it works, then you'll want to change the
owner of the file.  You may need to change permissions as well.  Use
chmod to make neccessary changes to permissions, and use chown to
change the owner to your user.

(2) Do as I did, and install in your /home directory.  I have my own
/opt directory for things easyubuntu and emusicj.  My install looks
like this: /home/sugonaut/opt/emusicj.

Also - check your Java install and config.  Assuming you installed
Sun's JRE 1.5, you may need to set it to be the default JRE still.  The
link below will guide you through that process.


Did you know that Sun's JRE 1.5.06 is available in Multiverse now?  I
guess there's a new license agreement between Sun, Debian, and Ubuntu
to make this possible.  Here's a note on that topic...


Let us know how you progress.


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