Public Directories

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Thu Jun 15 03:49:07 UTC 2006

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 16:23:12 -0500
"Christofer C. Bell" <christofer.c.bell at> wrote:

$ sudo addgroup public
$ sudo mkdir -p /home/pub
$ sudo chgrp public /home/pub
$ sudo chmod 1770 /home/pub
$ sudo usermod -G public mywife
$ sudo usermod -G public myself
$ sudo usermod -G public myfriend

Right - the target audience for Ubuntu is, of course, thoroughly familiar
with such commands and concepts ;-)


> There's no need for the operating system to come with a
> directory of this nature as creating directories of this type is part
> of "standard Unix".

Well , yes. So is a lot of stuff that most users will get glazed looks

I think the idea was to make a directory like this by default,
so that users don't have to learn "standard UNIX" :)

Whether or not this is a good idea depends on what you see as user
friendly I guess...

Seems like a nice touch to me. If i don't need or want it, I guess I can
always remove the directory.

That would be part of "standard UNIX" though ;-)


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