Dapper upgrade hangs - what to do?

jean-ooo at taming-openoffice-org.com jean-ooo at taming-openoffice-org.com
Wed Jun 14 22:23:14 UTC 2006

Daniel Carrera <daniel.carrera at zmsl.com> wrote:

>> I have the upgrade CD and the instructions for using it
>> Do you think it would be better for me to do "sudo aptitude upgrade" 
>> or use the CD? I would prefer not to spend several hours downloading 
>> the files again.
> Which CDROM do you have? "Desktop" or "Alternate"? If you send me the 
> sources.list file I can make the "aptitude" step grab the files from 
> the CDROM instead of downloading them.

I have the "Alternate" CDROM.

I just sent the sources.list file to the list. Thank you for the offer 
to amend the "aptitude" step to grab the files from the CD. I really 
appreciate all the help I can get.

Cheers, Jean

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