Unknown owner,group,permissions,etc.

Albert Wagner albertwagner at cox.net
Mon Jun 12 20:44:13 UTC 2006

Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Monday 12 June 2006 17:45, Matthew Kuiken wrote:
>> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> On Monday 12 June 2006 04:18, Matthew Kuiken wrote:
>>>> I believe that directories need to be executable in order to be
>>>> read/traversed.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.
>>> Almost right. You must have read permissions to list the contents
>>> of the directory, i.e. perform an ls <dirname>
>>> You need execute permissions to move into it, i.e. perform cd
>>> <dirname>
>> Thank you for the clarification.  I learned something new!  :)
> You're welcome.
> Soem things are not in the man pages, that is one of them. And in that 
> vein: Tune into this space next week for the full inside dope on how 
> primary group, effective group, supplementary groups, sq and newgrp 
> and friends all manage to play nicely together!
I remember something about super groups too :-)

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