breezy2dapper: hibernate broken

Patrick Drechsler patrick at
Sun Jun 11 17:38:58 UTC 2006

Jaime Davila wrote on 11 Jun 2006 18:05:29 MET:

> Patrick Drechsler wrote:
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:07 2006] received event "ibm/hotkey HKEY 00000080 00001004"
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:07 2006] notifying client 4271[121:121]
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:07 2006] executing action "/etc/acpi/"
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:07 2006] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:08 2006] END HANDLER MESSAGES
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:08 2006] action exited with status 0
>> | [Sun Jun 11 02:05:08 2006] completed event "ibm/hotkey HKEY 00000080 00001004"
>> `----
> So the acpi daemon detects your pressing fn-f4, and it starts running
> the sleepbtn script. Could you include the content of that file? It's
> in the /etc/acpi/ directory.

,----[ ]
| #!/bin/bash
| . /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants
| acpi_fakekey $KEY_SLEEP 

> Even better, execute "sudo /etc/acpi/" to see any error
> messages that might give, and send that too.

Executing the above command works fine (no errors): Laptop goes
into suspend mode and and be resurrected by pressing Fn.

Thank you for your help so far Jaime.

So suspending works fine (from the GnomeSystem->Quit menu as well
as Fn-F4 alias

What doesn't work is Fn-F12 (does that correspond to the function The computer hibernates but when starting it
again the screen stays black after passing the GRUB stage.

For completeness, here's the content of

,----[ ]
| #!/bin/bash
| . /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants
| acpi_fakekey $KEY_SUSPEND 


But I don't really see running SETI at Home as practical as Folding at Home.
What, exactly, would be the benefit of finding intelligent aliens on
the other side of the galaxy?

Maybe they're broadcasting the principles of protein folding... 
[from bionet.*]

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