Dapper is LESS stable than Breezy.

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Sun Jun 11 11:23:23 UTC 2006

toylet wrote:
> I think Dapper is stable, but if you upgrade from Breezy, there may be 
> problems. A fresh install is always the best.

Part of the point of using Debian/Ubuntu is that you can upgrade and the 
upgrade is supposed to work well. I don't see how upgrading could make 
Thunderbird and Gnome less stable in a way that doesn't apply to a clean 

"It's like a rainbow. Without an observer at a 23 degree angle to
the light reflected a cloud of spherical droplets, there is no
rainbow. The whole universe is like that. Our spirits stand at a
23 degree to the universe."  -- Zoya Boone, Red Mars

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