Wine: MS Money 2004 + IE6

Alan McKinnon alan at
Sat Jun 10 18:55:21 UTC 2006

On Saturday 10 June 2006 16:59, Nik wrote:
> > The latest wine does not install IE6 and hasn't done so for many
> > versions.
> Incorrect.
> I have ie6 working quite happily here, wine version
> 0.9.12~winehq1-1 and have successfully had ie6 running on every
> wine version since I first tried.
> Please stop posting such fud.
> Nik

And you, dear sir, learn some basic mailing list manners.

You don't know me, don't know where I am, have never seen my set up 
and have absolutely no clue under the sun earth moon and stars why my 
setup might or might not work. On my setup (vanilla wine direct from it does NOT work. ie6setup.exe tries to run and 
fails, on every wine since 0.9.10 at least, possibly earlier. There 
are no error messages and no indication as to why it doesn't work.

Have you considered that perhaps you have local copies of the full IE 
installation (which I don't), and MS is perhaps detecting that I use 
a non-MS OS and cause the install to fail? You do know that they 
explicitly test for wine in certain cases, as per their own web site 
(look up the citation yourself, I don't feel like doing it for you).

Go read the AppDB entries for IE - see for yourself the low success 
rate on getting IE to install in recent versions.

fud: fear, uncertainty and doubt - it's a terror tactic used by 
individuals or organizations who want to undermine the competition, 
and do so by lying. Show me where I lied in this thread, or 
deliberately tried to mislead others, and I'll retract this post.

If only me, you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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