Wine: MS Money 2004 + IE6

Alan McKinnon alan at
Thu Jun 8 17:15:50 UTC 2006

On Thursday 08 June 2006 14:39, Ylan Segal wrote:
> After I installed wine and read the docs, I ran the Money 2004
> setup.exe in the cdrom (through wine) and the installer starts.
> Soon after it stops with a message saying that Internet Explorer
> could not be installed and to install it manually from the folder
> in the cdrom. So I try to do that (wine ie6setup). No dice. It
> fails with a message saying that IE could not be installed. So, I
> figure that I would try the latest version of wine and use the
> instruction on their website to install for Ubuntu (simple steps)
> and upgrade to wine 0.9.14. Tried all the steps above, but still
> same results.

The latest wine does not install IE6 and hasn't done so for many 
versions. I never investigated it further, as I got the same 
completely unhelpful error messages from ie6setup.exe.

I do recall getting it working once, using a version around 0.9.6 or 
so. There doesn't seem to be any info on about this so all 
I can suggest is download the sources for each version in turn and 
compile them till you find one that works.

Crossover Office works with IE6 though - it might be worth your 
while to pay the small fee to use Crossover.

If only me, you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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