Second X session

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Thu Jun 8 12:12:51 UTC 2006

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 07:13:28 -0400
Paul Kaplan <pkaplan1 at> wrote:

[I wrote] 

> > What happens if you issue
> >
> > startx /usr/bin/xterm -- :1
> >
> > then call icewm from the xterm that should start up on display :1  ?
> >
> > Peter
> >
> That works fine, but the former direct approach has worked on other distros.

As it should in Ubuntu. Hence my earlier suggestion of looking at the
start-up script ( whatever you use, be it ~/.xsession or the icewm script,
or icewm-session if that indeed is a script )

In other words, if xterm works, you have an application-specific issue
( in this case, icewm itself or rather, the script that starts it).

Did you try looking at possible scripts?

dpkg -L icewm | grep bin 

and see which ones are scripts, then look at them as indicated by 

file /usr/bin/<foo>    or whatever.

Did you try icewm-session as I suggested in a previous post?



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