Upgrading Edubuntu to Dapper.

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Thu Jun 8 08:28:43 UTC 2006

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes has upgrade notes for
> ltsp servers. (you can call ltsp-build-client with --mirror
> file:///cdrom if you want to avoid the downloading)

I just read those instructions, thanks!

But is it really safe to 'rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386 && ltsp-build-client' ?

Will I have to recreate the users? Will I have to reconfigure their 
accounts? Will the users lose their personal files?

I have limited understanding of LTSP, but it looks to me like 
/opt/ltsp/i386 has the Ubuntu operating system that the clients boot 
from. So deleting it would also delete the users and their files.


"It's like a rainbow. Without an observer at a 23 degree angle to
the light reflected a cloud of spherical droplets, there is no
rainbow. The whole universe is like that. Our spirits stand at a
23 degree to the universe."  -- Zoya Boone, Red Mars

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