Matrox G400 dual head monitor problem

Blippe ulist at
Wed Jun 7 22:03:08 UTC 2006

First of all, you really need a serverlayout, second, if you look at the
output from "man mga" in the console you can read the following line:
"The second head of dual-head cards  is supported  for  the G450 and
G550.  Support for the second head on G400 cards requires a binary-only
"mga_hal" module that  is  available  from Matrox 
<>, and may be on the CD supplied with the card."

Sadly, matrox haven't released a new driver for Xorg7.0.0 (the X-server
that ubuntu uses) but has promised to do so, as quickly as a distro
released a non-beta release which uses Xorg7. But a few days before the
release of ubuntu dapper, they decided not to. 

So, what to do? Well, if you look at the matrox forums, you will find
that a really dedicated fan of matrox cards has released yet another
mga-driver for linux which which uses hal, and this time for Xorg7. You
can find his homepage at 

If you have any problems with his driver try posting at the matrox
forums, as they're the most knowledgable (and since the creator of the
driver is there).


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