root has less menus

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Wed Jun 7 19:19:13 UTC 2006

ubuntu at wrote:
> Are you guys saying that gnome is so insecure that merely executing it
> as root is a major risk?!
> Wow...
> Just... wow...
> I'm glad I use KDE...

Don't use KDE as root either.
Don't use OpenOffice as root.
Don't use Firefox as root.
Don't use Thunderbird as root.

See the pattern?

It's not that these programs are insecure. It's that running software 
needlessly as root is stupid. It's an unnecessary risk, it's a bad 
habit, and it's generally just asking for trouble. Use root only for 
actions that actually require root access and then drop out of root as 
soon as you're done.

"It's like a rainbow. Without an observer at a 23 degree angle to
the light reflected a cloud of spherical droplets, there is no
rainbow. The whole universe is like that. Our spirits stand at a
23 degree to the universe."  -- Zoya Boone, Red Mars

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