
Jack Wasey gmane at
Tue Jun 6 14:06:03 UTC 2006

check initrd. also beware that some ubuntu customisations might be lost and 
break things in unexpected ways.

VIGNESH wrote:
> Hi!
>         I got the latest kernel <> in a 
> magazine... I unpacked it and gave the foll commands
> make oldconfig    pressed y for a few questions and then pressed enter 
> till the end.
> make
> make install
> Then made a symbolic link vmlinuz to point to the new kernel and updated 
> menu.lst
> Then when I rebooted I got a lot of fatal errors saying cannot find/load 
> /lib/modules <>
> kernel panic
> What went wrong...
> Now I have changed vmlinuz to point to 2.6.8 and updated using a livecd 
> since I only have one OS (Warty) on my system....
> Can you tell me the right procedure to install also how to recompile a 
> kernel and all stuff related to the linux kernel....
> Cheers!
> Vignesh

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