disable lock screen after suspend?
Jan Moren
jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Tue Jun 6 08:08:09 UTC 2006
tis 2006-06-06 klockan 00:51 -0700 skrev Mladen Bestvina:
> I'd like to disable locking the screen after suspend.
> I looked through the acpi scripts in /etc/acpi and
> don't see where
> xscreensaver-command --lock
> is executed. Help! My screensaver setting has locking
> disabled.
It's not difficult, though it should probably be made easier in the
future. The power preferences control this - but the options are not
available in the preferences dialog.
Run the Configuration editor (it's gconf-editor if you run it from a
shell). Go to apps -> gnome-power-manager. There are four related
options there that control this: lock_on_blank_screen,
lock_on_hibernate, lock_on_suspend and lock_use_screensaver_settings.
And for some reason only the developers know, the
lock_use_screensaver_settings is unset by default. What I did was just
unset the other three, but I guess that setting
lock_use_screensaver_settings to true would work for you too. Unless
there was a good reason this was left unset of course.
Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
Japan: 090-3622 8920 jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Sweden: 031-360 7723 http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren
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