easyubuntu: so close, and yet so far...

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Tue Jun 6 06:56:12 UTC 2006

On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 23:28:19 -0700
David Armour <d.f.armour at shaw.ca> wrote:

> > I should have mentioned - after installing java you need to run
> >
> > sudo update-alternatives --config java
> >
> > and type the number for the sun flavour ( default is the Free gcj java,
> > which has some maturing to do yet ) Also check the java settings for Open
> > Office. There's a sun java plugin package for firefox/mozilla "et al" as
> > well.
> >   
> thank you for the update. i'm still effectively a total newbie, so i 
> really appreciate your reply. which sun flavour would you recommend? i 
> was going with the line --  sun-java5-jre -- from your earlier message. 

Yes, assuming you are not doing java development, you only need the
runtime, so that's the right one. You'll see in update-alternatives that
there's only one sun java choice - the others are the Free and open ones
that come with Ubuntu, which sort of work OK for some things but not
others, so far anyway.

> where would i look to check the java settings in open office? i don't 
> have it open at the moment. i'm sorry if this seems like a bottomless 
> pit of more and more questions.

Tools -Options - OpenOffice.org - Java
Check the button for the sun version there.

If you want Open Office to start faster and have a decent amount of
memory ( 512 MB plus), you might also look at the Memory options there,
and check the "Quickstarter" box - makes a dramatic difference, as it puts
an instance of OOo in memory on startup.

By the way, no need to CC me - I read the list :)



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