Dapper updates

Michael V. De Palatis mvd at gatech.edu
Tue Jun 6 00:20:24 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 23:39 +0100, Tony Arnold wrote:
> Have their been any security updates or orther patches issued for Dapper
> since it was released on 1st June. The Ubunut News letter implied there
> had been, but my system does not want to tell me about them. I've tried
> sudo aptitude update followed by sudo aptitude upgrade, but no updates
> appear.

I'm not sure that there really have been or not, save maybe a couple the
day after it was released or so. What is always a good idea, though,
just in case is to subscribe to the ubuntu-security-announce mailing
list, that way you are immediately informed of new security threats.


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