XGL + Opengl + Multimedia possible ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Mon Jun 5 18:34:34 UTC 2006

> > The cure ? Simple... wait a year a or two for Xgl to improve, and by
> > that time, maybe Xgl will be obsolete and the community will have
> > favoured Aiglx instead... or whatever else might have appeared in the
> > meantime ! :o)
> gheh :)
> I thought that Xgl and Aiglx were planned to eventually converge to a
> single project?

Yes, I did hear something like that some months ago. But it's all so
very new, who knows what shape it will happen take in the end.
No that the implementation details matter to the end user of course...
as long as it "just works" and doesn't need 10 years to get to that


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