want info on doing a dapper server install

Adam Lafayette atomlbomb at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 5 00:08:19 UTC 2006

--- Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at dantian.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2006-06-04 at 16:52 -0700, Adam Lafayette
> wrote:
> > I want to setup an SSH server on another machine
> using
> > dapper drake-server 
> What exactly do you plan to do? Can't you just
> install the Desktop
> version and install the ssh packages?

Yes I could and I may go that way, I haven't decided
Initially its going to be an SSH server but I may add
web server and other stuff.  I don't need games on the
machine and probably won't need sound (I haven't
decided completely about that yet).  I was having a
hard time figuring out from the wiki what I will get
if I use the server install and so I was trying to
figure out which way I wanted to go.

Adam Lafayette  N1ZGG   atomlbomb at yahoo.com    http://www.bloodkeg.com       http://www.geocities.com/atomlbomb

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