
Bas van Gils basvg at
Sun Jun 4 08:50:52 UTC 2006

On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 01:21:53AM -0300, Thiers Botelho wrote:
> I use Gmail's web interface, and in the case of this (these) threads
> it presents two separate ones to me. It makes sense, for the spelling
> is different. This particular one has 7 postings and the other one has
> only two - the original one from Bas van Gils and my single,
> forgotten, abandoned, and extremely relevant reply which nobody saw.
> Sniff, sniff . . .

Hold your horses buddy :-) Did see it and am very happy with it :-) Thanks for
the posting / link. Saved my day as I suddenly have two more boxes to convert
(friends switching to Ubuntu).
> I went to the list archives and surprisingly found that all postings
> are indeed threaded in there, regardless of differences in subject. It
> seems that a thread in the archives is structured according to
> who-replied-to-whom (regardless of subject), whereas in Gmail it's
> based solely on the subject field. More sniff . . .

Yep, the tread didn't break as you found out on the archives. Also in my
mailreader (mutt) the thread “looks good”. By the way, I think threading is
determined by several headers of the mail. I'm not sure how you can see the
headers in the GMail interface but mutt shows them when pressing «h». The
relevant parts are:

  Message-ID:<8ba326620606032121p16505194n54688b5d2d0de191 at>
  In-Reply-To:<44820BF0.1090607 at>

In determining where to put a posting in a thread you look at the InReplyTo
field and try to match it to one of the MessageID's...



<Bas.vanGils at> - GPG Key ID: 2768A493  -
Radboud University Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences

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