wireless trouble - Buffalo WLI-CB-G54

wurmwood ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sun Jun 4 07:34:47 UTC 2006

This thread might be a bit old, but Id rather post here than make a new
one. I have the WLI2-GB-G54S (note the extra "S") and have done a fresh
install of Ubuntu Dapper. I have tried to follow the directions in a few
forums, or guides, but nothing I do is working.  it says ndiswrapper is
invalid command,   whenever I try and do the ndiswrapper -i driver.sys
( i forgot driver name, but its for the wli-gb-gb4) I am very new to
linux. Please help :P Ive tried all i can!

Maybe a step by step dummy guide?

Running on a AMD 64 3200 with 1gb ram, EVGA PCI-E GForce 6800 GS
CE(Copper Edition) and a 250gb sata hd. Model on the wireless pci card
is WLI2-PCI-G54S


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