please let me know as soon as anyone has any information on the Ubuntu cert ?

Alan McKinnon alan at
Sat Jun 3 10:09:45 UTC 2006

On Saturday 03 June 2006 09:36, TOPPEL wrote:
> it seems there is little public information about this
> certification.  i purchased LPI in a nutshell 2006 edition to be
> released early next month.  have another linux box and a window box
> on the network here immediately in my room.  i'm ready to study and
> support Dapper !


You can find some information on the Ubuntu wiki at, including the list of 
Objectives tested on the exam.

To earn the full Ubuntu cert you need to pass LPI 101, LPI 102 and the 
Ubuntu exam (it's called 103 is some places and 199 in others - it's 
the same thing). But you can write them in any order you want, and 
there is no requirement at all that you must first write and pass one 
before you can write another.

The Ubuntu exam will be available at all the usual Prometric and 
Thomson VUE test centres - the same places where you can write exams 
from almost all other vendors - check with them for latest prices, it 
can vary a lot.

There isn't much feedback on what people think of the exam yet, as 
it's only been out there for less than two weeks, but I can tell you 
that it focuses on system administration, not user stuff. It's not 
about using the GUI tools to get something done, it's about what 
those tools are doing under the surface.

Good luck for the future,

If only me, you and dead people understand hex, 
how many people understand hex?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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