DesktopCD Installer Slow

Andy Collins andycollins35 at
Fri Jun 2 10:37:37 UTC 2006

Chris Neary wrote:
> If I ever use a live CD, I either have to make sure
> a) it doesn't use a hefty WM like Gnome or KDE or
> b) the machine has a really fast CD drive.
> I've had 32x CD drives which run the Ubuntu live CD incredibly slow, 
> but they're ancient drives anyway, so that may be a factor.
> If you have another CD drive to try, try that. In the past Ubuntu CDs 
> which are brand new and pristine wouldn't even install due to a dodgy 
> CD drive. Swapping the drive solved the problem.
> Good luck.
> Chris
> On 02/06/06, *pinoyskull* <pinoyskull at 
> <mailto:pinoyskull at>> wrote:
>     Andy Collins wrote:
>     > Is anyone else finding the desktop cd installer incredibly slow? I
>     > have amd64 3000+ with 1.5gb of RAM, and the installer is dead
>     slow and
>     > stop. It has frozen twice on me, and it's literally click, go
>     away and
>     > do something, then come back.
>     >
>     > Andy
>     >
>     maybe the cd that you are using is the culprit, try using another one
>     --
>     ubuntu-users mailing list
>     ubuntu-users at <mailto:ubuntu-users at>
Thanks. for the help. I have a relatively new DVD drive (it's dual layer 
and i only bought it about 6 months ago). I will try changing the CD.

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