Adivce on Partitions

Thiers Botelho thiersb at
Thu Jun 1 22:24:33 UTC 2006

On 6/1/06, Kent Borg <kentborg at> wrote:
> I would like to second that suggestion.  Having space for a second
> install is very useful.  Even when there isn't a development release
> to play with it can make your current install less scary.  For
> example, if you are about to do something that might be a little
> experimental and might mess with things that is a good time to copy
> your working installation to the alternate so you can revert if
> something go wrong.  (Note, copying partitions isnt quite enough.
> Your /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab will also need to be edited.)
> Where I work there are a couple Breezy servers, I would like to move
> them to Dapper.  I will probably copy the working install across to
> the alternate space, make sure both still boot, then do a dist upgrade
> to Dapper--ready to boot back to the earlier if anything goes wrong.
> On my notebook I will do a fresh install of Dapper, but do it in extra
> space, leaving the old upgraded bata alone.
> -kb

Partimage is a good tool for copying partitions, is that what you use ?


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