Adivce on Partitions

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at
Thu Jun 1 21:09:16 UTC 2006

john levin wrote:
> Ylan Segal wrote:
>> - Is /media and appropriate place to store music files? Is there a more
>> "standard" place?
> No, media is a system directory; it's used for relating to cd/floppy
> drives. So, on my main machine, it has:

I definitely don't want to use /media then.

> johnl at duchamp:/media$ ls
> cdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy0
> Just make a folder in your home directory for your music; if you want to
> share it, you can make it available by System > Administration > Shared
> Folders.

The problem is not sharing, its that I plan to encrypt my home folder
with encfs in case my laptop gets stolen or lost: I don't want anybody
who finds the laptop to be able to get to my personal info. (I couldn't
care less if the use my mp3s).

Since I plan to backup my home in encrypted form, I don't want to my
music to be in there too, since it takes up quite a lot of space (12
Gbs) and is just a hassle.

My music gets backed up to my iPod anyway, so I don't need to included
in the backup of my other data.

Does that make more sense now?

I think I will just use /home/music for music and /home/username for
everything else. How is that?


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