Where is Dapper?

Paul Thompson ubantu001 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 03:42:59 UTC 2006

Yeah, The front page has been updated and it is nice 'n pretty too! To
bad it dos'nt help us get Dapper. Maybe like you say they mean't
midnight and it will be a special edition all the brown changed to


On 6/1/06, Jeremy J. Swarm <screaminike at gmail.com> wrote:
> in an interesting note, the frontpage HAS been updated.... maybe it's
> gonna be midnight edt...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chanchao <custom at freenet.de>
> To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 10:01:29 +0700
> Subject: Re: Where is Dapper?
> On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 21:30 +0100, meng wrote:
> > They figured you'd be too busy molesting sheep. (Actually I'm from
> > Australia and I think we have more sheep per capita than you.)
> Can we all start shouting to make it appear?
> :)
> Actually I'm kind of wondering what will happen when everyone goes to
> download the thing at the same time and the server's crash. (Or better,
> the whole Internet slows down to a crawl).
> I say "better" of course because Ubuntu's server's not coping with the
> demand would be 'news' and any news is good news if it gets people's
> attention to Ubuntu and it's implied popularity / demand.
> The thing is though... Most people on this list (no I didn't do a
> survey) are already running an updated Dapper Flight release.. So
> there's no real reason (or any reason) to be downloading that ISO right
> away today.   And for the people who are conservative / mission critical
> enough to still run Breezy, they are probably conservative / mission
> critical enough to give it some mroe time before migrating, so they
> don't need to be downloading the ISO right today just the same.
> Ubuntu / Canonical has't actually tried to discourage people from
> downloading it right away...  Are they WANTING things to crash for it to
> become a news item? ;)
> Cheers,
> Chanchao
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