Help with copy files from multiple directories one inside other of the same type to one directory

José Paulo Matafome Oleiro matafomeoleiro at
Sat Jul 29 18:12:09 UTC 2006

Thanks this command worked fantastic. I'm really happy. Thank you for
all for your fantastic help.

Sáb, 2006-07-29 às 10:47 -0500, Christofer C. Bell escreveu:

> You really don't need to use xargs, find can do it all by itself.
> $ find . -type f -name \*.deb -print -exec mv {} /path/to/new/location \;
> Find, starting at my current location, everything that's a normal file
> named *.deb and move it to the new location.
> -- 
> Chris
> "I trust the Democrats to take away my money, which I can afford.  I
> trust the Republicans to take away my freedom, which I cannot."

José Oleiro aka Matafome (#computers at
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