how to make a SU Terminal Shell

Matthew Nicholson sjoeboo at
Thu Jul 27 23:04:38 UTC 2006

i would just make a shortcut to run the command:

gksudo gnome-terminal

(or whatever terminal you want to use)
On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 10:42 +1200, brendon wrote:
> hi there one and all, as my user on my system, was the first  user 
> curated so has administrator privileges  i was wondering to do i make 
> the shell open in SU mode? ie so when i open the shell under my user 
> name it opens up as root?
> -- 
> .......
>   Brendon Toogood
>   Ubuntu Linux Advocate
>   Linux Registered User #417189
> a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 1741"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 1741" /><a>
Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at>
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