Single sign-on suggestions?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Wed Jul 26 12:11:21 UTC 2006

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:16:12 +0100
"Eamonn Sullivan" <eamonn.sullivan at> wrote:
> What I probably should do is abandon Samba entirely and just go with
> NFS, but that has its own level of (arguably unnecessary) complexity.

The only real problem with nfs is that it's a PITA to set up on mac osx.
An alternative for using mac with an ubuntu/linux network is to use

There's a mac app for this called "Fugu" - see

The interface is IMO far inferior to either Nautilus' or Konqueror's
built-in ssh/sftp/fish functions, but it may be worth a look for you.

There is a so-called "freeware" program for setting up nfs on mac OS-X
which I found some time ago using google, but it is infuriating nagware.

The alternative for setting up nfs in OS-X is to fiddle endlessly with
config options which the Mac people have apparently decided to make as
obscure as possible. Setting up NFS on Linux is a doddle by comparison.


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