Dapper / Atheros AR5005G Network Card

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 07:51:16 UTC 2006

On 7/25/06, Anthony Gardner <cyclewood_ltd at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm trying to get my girlfriend into Linux but can't get her network to
> work. I've included all the output I think is necessary. If anyone can help,
> I'd appreciate it. I have seen lots of people on Google having problems with
> this particular card / manufacturer.
>  I seem to get conflicitng results about whether the device is recognised or
> not.
>  I've highlighted some stuff below hopefully it'll be highlighted when you
> read it.

Probably someone more knowledgable may be able to spot something amiss
in the outputs, but nothing jumped out at me. Do you know if the
wireless network you're trying to connect to is encrypted? WEP or WPA?
Have you tried network-manager? I don't think network manager is a
great choice for a desktop (you're only connected while logged in),
but it will at least tell you if the card is being recognized and
working correctly. I posted my configuration (also for an atheros
chipset) a few days ago in this thread:


That might give you some clues.


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