backspace reboots X

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Mon Jul 24 12:30:46 UTC 2006

On 7/24/06, MIkko Liukko <ml at> wrote:
> Hello list
> I have a strange problem with ubuntu dapper and my keyboard layouts (fi
> swe de). When I login to gnome and then switch my keyboard layout from
> en to fi (or swe or de) and then type in some text and press backspace x
> reboots.
> I have tested with two different keyboards (usb ps2) reinstalled (not
> because of this problem), deleted .gnome directories but still the
> problem persists.
> How could I debug this problem.

I've not encountered this problem before. The normal keystroke for
restarting X is ctrl-alt-backspace. You can turn off this behaviour,
at least until you debug the problem, by uncommenting or adding a
DontZap option in Xorg.conf. Then at least you'll be able to backspace
in sending emails to the user list :-)


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