Ubuntu archies

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 21:19:50 UTC 2006

Gary Allen Garibaldi wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Anyone have any idea what happen to the Ubuntu web site or archives?
> I've been unable to access either since yesterday.
> Thanks
> Gary

I have also been unable to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com since 
yesterday. I changed /etc/apt/sources.list to point to 
uk.archive.ubuntu.com and everything worked fine for me. This morning, I 
was still facing issues with security.ubuntu.com, but now everything 
seems to be back up - including us.archive.ubuntu.com.

I found it strange that there was no notification or reference on the 
web to this outage at all.

Sundar Nagarajan

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