no "defrag" in Linux?

Gabriel M Dragffy dragffy at
Sun Jul 23 14:57:55 UTC 2006

Actually I am with Alex on this. If he wants to give a one word answer
then that's just fine. Personally I'd prefer a little explanation but
the point is he is not saying anything objectionable and is trying to be
helpful to the OP. If people think that the answer he gave is too brief
then perhaps they would care to elaborate on "tune2fs" themselves. It's
a free country, this is a help list and he gave help, if a little vague
for some people, but no need to roast him for it.

Then again I would also like to say that I am an English teacher and in
the World of learning there is no such thing as a given. Though on this
list if Alex wants to have a given, then let him. Certainly I don't
think a massive thread about a one word answer is necessary or
constructive and I feel a little bad that I have just increased the
number of posts about this. So I'm quitting this one.

On Sun, 2006-07-23 at 07:35 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> · Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at>:
> > On Sat, 2006-22-07 at 19:25 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> > 
> >> > I teach / train for a living.  In my work, there is no such thing as a
> >> > "given"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> That's different - you're *paid* to teach. If I were paid to teach
> >> or give hints for Linux, I'd also say that nothing is a given.
> > 
> > 
> > I'm curious: how much does a trainer get paid to have "man tune2fs" (or
> > even "type 'man tune2fs'")be too much work to do for free where
> > "tune2fs" is just right?
> That's not the point. As a paid trainer, you shouldn't make assumptions 
> about your trainees. As we're not paid here, it's very much okay to
> make assumptions.
> > And do you realise that with the amount of 
> > typing you've spent in the last few message justifying why your one-word
> > answer was just fine that you could have instead written a longish
> > paragraph explaining what tune2fs was for the same amount of much more
> > useful work?
> No, I don't realise that, as it's wrong. I'm not paid for anything, so
> I do what *I* want (more or less). If there wouldn't have been those
> complaints (which were wrong, IMO), than this sub-thread wouldn't
> have been necessary.
> Alexander Skwar
> -- 
> Der Aberglaube macht die Gottheit zum Götzen, und der 
> Götzendiener ist um so gefährlicher, weil er ein Schwärmer ist.
>                 -- Johann Gottfried Herder (Palmbätter)
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